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  • For children to grow up with so little in a region where affluence is so visible challenges our most basic principles of fairness.

  • Poverty exposes children to devastating levels of trauma that undermine a child’s future by stunting physical, cognitive, and behavioral development, thereby producing a lifetime of health and economic challenges.

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  • Economists estimate that childhood poverty costs the U.S. economy over $1 trillion per year, or 5.4% GDP.

  • Each child growing up in poverty has an average net-cost to our economy of $1.6 million throughout that child’s life. 

  • The cost of inaction is much higher than the cost of action.  Every $1 spent to fight child poverty lowers future costs by $7.

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  • Dallas has the 3rd highest rate of child poverty in the nation.

  • The long-term economic cost of the 95,000+ local children growing up in poverty today exceeds $150 billion.

  • Over the past 15 years, the poverty rate in Dallas has increased by 42%, while the population has only increased 4.4%.



The cycle of poverty cannot be broken by only treating symptoms.

Trauma and toxic stress widen the opportunity gap for low-income children. Scalable results will require us to focus resources toward children and prevention.



How can we take action together to fight child poverty?

Learn more about CPAL’s approach.